When you look in the mirror, are lingering acne scars an unpleasant reminder of previous skin struggles? When acne scars continue to mar your complexion—and damage your self-esteem—it’s time to consider a treatment like microneedling.
If you’re unfamiliar with microneedling for acne scars, you probably have many questions. What can microneedling do for your scars, and what happens during a treatment? When is the best time to have the treatment–can you do microneedling in the summer? We’ll explore some of the most common questions we hear from patients in this blog post. Ready to learn more?

What Is Microneedling?
SkinPen® microneedling is a nonsurgical treatment that appeals to many patients because it is less harsh than lasers or peels. A device with tiny needles is used to create micro-injuries in targeted areas of the skin. These micro-injuries trigger a natural wound-healing response, stimulating collagen production to heal the skin and restore its tone and texture.
SkinPen’s micro-channels increase blood flow and accelerate healing without heat or chemicals. This approach is safe and effective for reducing acne scars, age spots, wrinkles, enlarged pores, and more.
How Does Microneedling Help Acne Scar Removal?
Microneedling treats acne scars by penetrating the outer layers of the skin and triggering the release of collagen and elastin. This process activates the skin to repair the marks and crevices left behind from past acne breakouts. Benefits of SkinPen microneedling include:
- Treats skin safely
- Collagen production builds smooth, supple skin
- Improves skin texture
- Reduces inflammation
- Requires a shorter recovery time than more aggressive treatments
What Should I Expect During Microneedling Treatment?
Microneedling is a relatively quick and painless procedure. We start by applying a topical anesthetic to numb the treatment area. The SkinPen applies tiny pricks to the skin where acne scars are present. Finally, we apply a soothing serum to the skin to reduce irritation. The entire procedure usually takes up to 30 minutes. While the thought of receiving tiny pinpricks may seem unnerving, the topical anesthetic reduces discomfort throughout the procedure.
What Can I Do To Prepare for Microneedling?
You can take certain measures before your appointment to help ensure your skin is in peak condition for treatment. We may advise you to stop taking certain medications that can increase the risk of side effects.
Before your procedure, you should avoid direct sun exposure and stop using skincare products that are acid or retinoid-based to reduce the risk of your skin becoming overly dry or irritated after microneedling. Also, be sure to arrive at your appointment with a clean, makeup-free face so we can get right to work smoothing and restoring your skin.
What Should I Expect After Microneedling?
Your skin will appear red and inflamed—similar to a sunburn—for up to 48 hours after treatment. You should continue to avoid direct sunlight and limit your exposure to heat, hot water, and water activities. That means no heavy sweating, Jacuzzi time, swimming, or hot showers. The key is to be kind to your healing skin—use a gentle cleanser and moisturizer and avoid exfoliants and other harsh skincare products.
How Many Microneedling Sessions Do I Need for My Acne Scars?
Depending on the severity of your scarring, you may require only a handful of sessions. For more severe acne scar removal, we may suggest repeated treatment over several months. We usually recommend spacing microneedling sessions about 4 to 6 weeks apart to give your skin the time it needs to heal and achieve results from the previous session.
While you should begin noticing improvements within a few weeks, achieving full results can take up to 6 months. We may also recommend combining microneedling with Fraxel® or other laser skin treatments if you want to treat a variety of skin concerns like wrinkles, sun spots, or other concerns.
Can I Get Microneedling During the Summer?
Yes. While the skin is vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation immediately after treatment, microneedling can be safer than many other harsher treatments. However, you’ll likely need to make some adjustments to your summer routine, including staying out of the sun and heat. Here are some basic precautions you’ll need to take if you have microneedling during the summer:
- Avoid sun exposure for a couple of weeks before and after treatment
- Apply (and reapply!) sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher (after the first 24 hours)
- Wear sunglasses and wide-brimmed hats
- Moisturize daily
- Don’t peel or pick at sensitive, healing skin
- Avoid peak sunlight hours if possible (from noon to 4 p.m.)
- Don’t make a splash—stay out of the pool until your skin has healed completely
Microneedling Before and After for Acne Scars
Microneedling, laser skin resurfacing, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and intense pulsed light therapy can all produce excellent results depending on the type and severity of the acne scars. This before and after photo illustrates how effective acne scar treatment can be in reducing the appearance of acne scars and restoring even skin tone.

Ready for Treatment?
As summer days dwindle, don’t let frustrating acne breakouts or lingering acne scars cloud your self-esteem. If you’re ready to improve your appearance by reducing acne scars, request a consultation or contact us today at (713) 791-9966 to schedule your appointment.
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