How To Care for Your Skin After Microneedling

Beautiful woman smiling after receiving microneedling treatment.

Nonsurgical treatments for cosmetic dermatology have become more popular than ever, and that’s especially true for microneedling. For those looking to reverse the effects of sun damage, such as brown spots, rough texture, and laxity, our practice uses the highly effective SkinPen® microneedling device.

If you are considering microneedling, you may have questions about aftercare and how to properly take care of your skin to maximize your results. Knowing what to do for your skin after a microneedling treatment is easier when you understand what happens during the procedure.

Understand What Microneedling Does to Your Skin

Microneedling is a procedure that uses ultra-fine needles to prick the skin, causing channels of micro-injuries. These micro-injuries kickstart your skin’s generation of more collagen, the building block of smoother and firmer skin. In addition to its ability to erase years of sun damage, microneedling also:

  • Improves acne scars
  • Diminishes the redness and discoloration of rosacea
  • Shrinks enlarged pores
  • Enhances the overall appearance of aging skin
  • Firms skin

Does Microneedling Make Skin Look Worse at First?

After the treatment, your skin will be flushed or bright red, similar to a mild sunburn. The redness typically subsides within the next few days. Other aftereffects, such as peeling, flaking, or breakouts, may take slightly longer to resolve.

Your skin will continue to heal under the surface for up to two months after your procedure. Most patients do not need an extended recovery period and can return to work or school 1 to 5 days after treatment.

What To Do After Microneedling

Following your procedure, we will discuss your aftercare instructions and advise a skincare routine. This direction will help provide your skin with what it needs to heal quickly and safely.

Postpone Exercise for a Few Days

We recommend you take a day or two off from your fitness routine. Sweating can contribute to irritation and expose your skin to bacteria.

Take Precautions To Prevent Infection

Wash your hands before you touch your face, and refrain from putting on makeup for the first 24 hours following the microneedling treatment. We may prescribe an antibiotic cream to prevent infection further.

Protect Your Skin From the Sun

Your skin is especially vulnerable to the sun for a week or two after a microneedling treatment. Stay out of the sun the first day since it’s best not to apply any products to your skin for the first 24 hours after microneedling. After that first 24 hours, wear sunscreen and a wide-brimmed hat whenever you go outside or plan to be exposed to the sun. Even after your skin has healed, wearing sunscreen daily is vital to protecting your healthy new skin cells.

Treatment Timeline

Our team will discuss your skin concerns and goals to determine the number of necessary treatments. One treatment may be enough if you want to shrink pores. However, patients who want to minimize moderate wrinkles may need 2 or 3 treatments. If follow-up treatments are needed, we typically schedule them 4 to 6 weeks apart.

If you are interested in brightening and toning your skin using your body’s natural healing process, microneedling may be right for you. Request a microneedling consultation at one of our Houston-area locations or call us at (713) 791-9966 to schedule an appointment.

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